La vida en números: Tus favoritos 6-Pack
With TIME For Kids content, this 6-Pack introduces grade K students to basic concepts of preference and choice. With intriguing images, repetitive phrases, and easy-to-read text, this Spanish book supports early childhood literacy.
Item Number:29193
¡Comunícate! El habla animal 6-Pack
With TIME For Kids content, this 6-Pack introduces grade K students to the different ways that animals communicate. With intriguing images, repetitive phrases, and easy-to-read text, this Spanish book supports early childhood literacy.
Item Number:29194
La hora de la verdad: De verdad o de mentira 6-Pack
With TIME For Kids content, this 6-Pack introduces grade K students to the differences between real and pretend. With intriguing images, repetitive phrases, and easy-to-read text, this Spanish book supports early childhood literacy.
Item Number:29195
Niños fantásticos: Cuidar a los animales 6-Pack
With TIME For Kids content, this 6-Pack teaches grade K students how to care for animals. With intriguing images, repetitive phrases, and simple text, this Spanish book supports early childhood literacy.
Item Number:29197
¡No te limites! Como una familia 6-Pack
With TIME For Kids content, this 6-Pack introduces first grade students to the concept of family. With vibrant images and simple text, this Spanish title will keep students reading from cover to cover as they develop their foundational literacy skills.
Item Number:29198
Conteo: Las estaciones 6-Pack
With TIME For Kids content, this 6-Pack introduces first grade students to the concept of seasons. With vibrant images and simple text, this Spanish title will keep students reading from cover to cover as they develop their foundational literacy skills.
Item Number:29200
La vida en números: La administración del tiempo Guided Reading 6-Pack
Support English language learners and guided reading instruction in the classroom with 6 copies of this Spanish-translated, Level O title and a lesson plan that specifically supports guided reading instruction.
Item Number:105473
Lo mejor de ti: Ganar o perder
With TIME For Kids content, this Spanish book teaches grade K students to have fun while playing, regardless of whether they win or lose. With intriguing images, repetitive phrases, and easy-to-read text, this book supports early childhood literacy.
Item Number:29164
Exploring Reading: Level 3 Add-on Pack (Spanish)
This Add-on Pack includes one copy of each of the eight titles from the Exploring Reading: Level 3 Complete Kit (Spanish Version).
Item Number:29257
¡Cuenta conmigo! ¿Qué hay de almuerzo?
Early readers find out how important lunch is in order to keep them energized throughout their busy day. This Spanish-translated nonfiction book encourages children to make healthy choices at lunch time to get the best nutrients and vitamins.
Item Number:15460
Juegos alrededor del mundo
Have you ever heard of The Excited Burro or Ringel Ringel? These are games that children play in other countries. This Spanish nonfiction title showcases the fun games children play in different parts of the world.
Item Number:15468
Un día en la vida de un bombero
Hop on that big red truck for a real adventure! Being a firefighter takes a lot of hard work. This Spanish title teaches readers about the important responsibilities it takes to be a firefighter--from the fire equipment to living in the fire station.
Item Number:15466
Mercados alrededor del mundo
From Asia to Africa, people buy and sell goods all over the world! Learn what various types of foods and goods are sold in markets from all around the globe in this fascinating, Spanish-translated nonfiction title.
Item Number:15467
La escuela alrededor del mundo
Find out how school is the same--and different--in countries all over the world in this fascinating, Spanish-translated nonfiction title. Readers will learn about the way students learn in other countries, from homeschooling to trade schools.
Item Number:15469
¡Todos a bordo! Cómo funcionan los trenes
Climb aboard for a journey into the world of trains! In this Spanish nonfiction title, readers learn about the history of trains, the different uses for them, and the different types and parts including freight cars, passenger cars, and the caboose.
Item Number:15471
Todo acceso: Una casa de modas
Learn how a designer's sketch becomes the fashion we wear and how designers use math and geometry to make their designs successful in this fashion-filled, Spanish-translated book! Learn all about the different aspects of the fashion industry.
Item Number:15476
Excavar: Una obra de construcción
How do architects and contractors use math and geometry to help build a house? Readers will find out in this Spanish-translated nonfiction book that will familiarize children with construction, construction equipment and materials, and blueprints.
Item Number:15477
Mira adentro: Tu cerebro
Learn all about the amazing things your brain does and how to keep it healthy and strong! In this Spanish-translated nonfiction title, readers will discover the anatomy of the brain including neurons, the cerebellum, and the nervous system.
Item Number:15455
Mira adentro: Tu corazón y tus pulmones
Learn all about the incredible things your heart, lungs, arteries, and circulatory system do and how to keep them healthy and strong! In this Spanish-translated nonfiction title, readers are introduced to basic biology and vocabulary.
Item Number:15457
¡Cuenta conmigo! La feria de la escuela
Invite readers to see what goes on behind the scenes at a school carnival! This Spanish nonfiction title engages children from cover to cover while utilizing mathematical skills to learn the basics of planning, income, estimates, and budgeting.
Item Number:15458
¡Cuenta conmigo! El torneo de fútbol
Invite readers along on the preparations for a soccer tournament! This Spanish nonfiction title engages children while encouraging them to use mathematical skills to better understand all aspects of soccer, including sportsmanship and tournaments.
Item Number:15459
Susan B. Anthony
Susan B. Anthony spent her life fighting for gender equality. Readers will learn all about her inspiring life in this Spanish-translated biographical reader that features detailed images, informational text, and a timeline of Anthony's life.
Item Number:15463
Visita a una fábrica de automóviles
Learn the many steps that must be followed to make a car! With vibrant, detailed photos, informational text, and a chart to show steps of the assembly line, this Spanish nonfiction book will make readers want to learn about this fascinating factory!
Item Number:15434
Próxima parada: México
Welcome to Mexico! From the various animals to the warm desert, readers are invited to explore all aspects of this beautiful country in this delightful, Spanish-translated nonfiction title.
Item Number:15437